Telomere support

Telomere support

Nature sub-journal: University of London discovered a new longevity mechanism that extends telomeres and prevents aging. Research has identified a new mechanism that slows down and possibly even prevents the natural aging of immune cells, which could extend the lifespan of the immune system, allowing people to live healthier, longer lives, and may also have clinical applications in diseases such as cancer and dementia.

The field of aging research has identified 12 markers that represent common characteristics of aging in different organisms. Telomere Wear Identification: Telomere Support

Aging is a complex, multi-stage, and gradual process that occurs throughout life. As time goes by, the organs and muscles of the human body will gradually age, and some diseases will also occur with age, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.

All cells cannot escape the fate of aging, including immune cells. Immune cells are always on high alert. In order to protect the body, they must The body continues to divide and replicate for decades. As immune cells age, the immune system can no longer function effectively, leading to chronic infections, cancer, and death.

Telomeres are the "caps" at the ends of each chromosome. They contain repeated non-coding DNA sequences that protect chromosomes from damage. Similar to how the cap on the end of a shoelace stops it from unraveling. Every time a cell divides, the telomeres get shorter until they are so short that the cell can no longer divide. Telomere length has long been regarded as an important biomarker of human aging and disease.

On September 15, 2022, researchers from the University of London published an article titled " An intercellular transfer of telomeres rescues T cells from senescence and promotes long-term immunological memory" research paper.

Researchers have discovered a new mechanism that slows down or even prevents the aging of immune cells. It has been verified in human and mouse cells that it can extend The longevity of the immune system allows people to live healthier and longer lives, and may also have clinical applications in diseases such as cancer and dementia.

In this study, the researchers used T lymphocytes to generate an immune response to foreign infected microorganisms. They unexpectedly observed that some T cells Extending one's own telomeres by acquiring telomeres in extracellular vesicles is called a telomere transfer reaction. Antigen-presenting cells composed of B cells or macrophages act as telomere donors for T lymphocytes. After telomere transfer, T cells that acquire telomeres become long-lived and possess memory and stem cell properties.

Telomerase is a DNA synthase enzyme specialized in maintaining telomeres in stem cells, immune cells, germ cells and sperm. However, it does not provide this function in other cells, leading to telomere attrition. Even in immune cells where the enzyme is naturally active, an ongoing immune response can lead to progressive telomerase inactivation, resulting in telomere shortening and causing cells to stop dividing and undergo replicative senescence.

The researchers found that the telomere transfer reaction lengthened some telomeres to 30 times the length promoted by telomerase. This suggests that cells are able to swap telomeres before the action of telomerase begins, lengthening chromosomes and possibly slowing or curing aging simply by transferring telomeres.

After discovering a new anti-aging mechanism, researchers conducted in vitro experiments using human and mouse cells to encapsulate telomeres The vesicles were purified from blood and, when added to T cells, were found to exhibit anti-aging activity in immune cells in humans and mice.

Additionally, the researchers found that in human and mouse cells, purified extracellular vesicle preparations could be administered alone or with When vaccines are co-administered, this prolonged sustained immune protection could in principle avoid the need for revaccination. It may also be possible to promote telomere donor transfer reactions directly in cells.

Although more research is needed, researchers say this may be a new treatment for preventing immune cell senescence.

Researchers said that since studying telomeres for more than 40 years, telomerase has been considered to be responsible for the extension and maintenance of telomeres in cells. The study sheds light on a new way to fight aging that doesn't require telomerase.

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